The African-American population in the United States after the abolition of slavery

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población afroamericana
Estados Unidos
Norte-Sur Slavery
African American populationAfrican American population
United States

How to Cite

Navarro Fuentes, C. A. (2023). The African-American population in the United States after the abolition of slavery. Clio. Journal of History, Human Sciences and Critical Thought., (6), 89-98.


The objective of this text is to offer a general perspective on the slavery of the "Afro-slave" population in the United States, citing some of the most important authors who managed to survive the regime and endure after the abolition of the relations between masters and slaves and the self-legitimized violence of the former against the latter. We will do so by offering excerpts from the most representative literary works and life testimonies of authors of African American origin, including as complementary support, film and documentary references concerning the theme of identity, discursivities and related narratives, the imaginary under which the abolitionist ideal was being shaped in the nation and how such efforts were impeded mostly by the endogenous Caucasian racism of its rulers in particular, giving rise to and feeding as a main cause what would converge in the Civil War (1861-1865) in that country.
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